Rhinelander high school seniors Tuesday saw first hand what the world of handling your personal finances and getting a job is like when you are on your own. This event is called "Mad Money".
Lara Barbour is president of Partners in Education. She says the event teaches high schoolers the practical stuff like balancing a check book...
".....brings them in, they get a budget,they walk through monthly bills, insurance, house payments, those types of things...."
Barbour says they've added some other needed skills...
"....we had already been talking about transitioning the afternoon of Mad Money and looking at ways to teach kids what we call employability skills. Interviewing, resumes. How do you talk to a potential employer, what do you put on Facebook..."
Senior Ceara Clarke sat in on a session focusing on customer service, seeing the needs of other people rather than your own feelings that day...
"....we see everything different than most people do. Some people might look at the world differently than everybody else. Some ways it's challenging and in some ways it's usually for other people...:"
Senior Tessa Bloch agrees seeing the needs of other people you serve rather than your own feelings goes a long way...
"....because in my job a lot of what (the presenter) was talking about can be really useful in communicating with people..."
Lara Barbour says in the future, the event will combine the Mad Money exercises with the the employability skills session for a full day training.
The event is cosponsored by Partners In Education, Leadership Oneida County, and the School District of Rhinelander...