Downtown Rhinelander, Inc. Hires Business Recruiter

Downtown Rhinelander, Incorporated has announced a change toward trying to find businesses to expand in downtown Rhinelander.

DRI President Dan Kuzlik says they've eliminated an office position and have hired Dr. Sally Latimer of Global Solutions International as a business recruiter. Kuzlik says the organization is refocusing efforts...

"....hiring a recruiter to go out to surrounding communities and not try to bring them into downtown Rhinelander from those communities, but if they're successful, share demographic data with them and economic data to see if they might be interested in expanding into the area...."

Kuzlik says Dr. Latimer has the credentials for the position...

".....Sally holds both Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees, but she's managed budgets exceeding $8 million, and what's important is she's worked as an accountant for Control Data in the Minneapolis area for several years. That background allows her to look at businesses and help them to understand why expanding into Rhinelander would be a benefit..."

Kuzlik says when they started in 2006 there were more than 30 vacant properties in downtown Rhinelander. He says today there are 14, with two more businesses set to begin business there.

DRI is partially funded by Rhinelander's Business Improvement District and serves as the operational arm of Rhinelander's Downtown Main Street Program.

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