Early Warning System: Call 8-1-1


We're into the early part of the summer construction season, but a word of caution has been sent out from officials: careful where you dig or it could cost you big bucks.

Wisconsin Public Service spokesperson Leah Van Zile says before you dig, call 8-1-1 to make sure you're not going to accidentally cut utility service...

"....there are many utilities buried underground, from electric and gas to water cable and fiber optics. It's really important(to call) as there are some dangerous cables under the ground...."

Van Zile says people sometimes don't think they are anywhere near utilities only to find out after digging, they cut a utility line. By calling 8-1-1, a crew will come out to survey the area. Van Zile says someone planting a tree or doing other digging could hit an electrical line and be killed.

Van Zile says someone planting a tree or doing other digging could hit an electrical line and be killed, but it could cost a lot of money....

"...if someone did hit that facility and didn't call to have those facilities marked, they would be responsible, financially, for the repairs of those facilities...."

Van Zile says it's best to call a few days ahead prior to a dig so the crew has time to check out the property. More information is available at call 811.com

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