Some damage was reported in Wisconsin's cranberry marshes, but an industry spokesperson says overall this year's crop looks pretty good.
The Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association Executive Director Tom Lochner says in northwestern Wisconsin some damage was reported but overall, good growing conditions are prevailing...
"....we've seen some hail in some areas that has caused some sort of damage. Some of the marshes in the northwest part of the state did see some flooding damage. In one particular case one marsh had a washout of a reservoir. Overall, in central Wisconsin where most of the fruit comes from, we have a pretty good looking crop...."
Lochner says some farms were hit with hail in June, but it happened before the plants were in full bloom. He says the hail hit between 6 and 24 percent of grower properties. He says hail poses a threat if a large storm struck in the main growing area. Lochner says his surveys find optimism with this year's crop...
" looks like it could be a pretty good season for our growers. As I've gotten around the countryside the last couple of weeks and in conversation with growers, they're pretty optimistic about the crop we have out there...."
Oneida, Vilas, Lincoln, Iron and Price counties have cranberry marshes. Wisconsin continues to lead the nation in cranberry production, last year topping 8.4 million barrels of fruit.