Freezing Cold A Good Reminder To Enable A Credit Freeze


With the freezing temperatures outside, state consumer officials say another kind of freeze could be helpful to you and keep you from being left out in the cold.

Consumer Protection Director Michelle Reinen says now is a good time to put down a credit freeze or fraud alert to protect themselves from identity theft. She details how a freeze works..

"...A credit freeze locks down your credit report and it prevents identity thieves from using your information to obtain extensions of credit. They will not be able to get a credit card in your name, or take out utilities. It really prevents identity theft. With the number of data breaches each year, we don't know how that information will be used...."

A freeze allows consumers to use existing lines of credit and won't impact your credit score. You can temporarily lift the freeze if you need credit, then remove it. Fraud alerts last one year and are set up by calling one of three major credit bureaus, who then contact the other two to tell them of the alert being posted. Reinen says the fraud alert makes it more difficult for an identity thief to open more accounts in your name.

More information is available by going to the website and putting in the keywords 'consumer protection'.

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