Dozens gathered at Antigo High School to sit in on an informational meeting for the Curriculum and Instruction committee on a hot button issue: schedule changes.
These changes would knock down the school's current eight class schedule to seven classes, with a mandatory built in seminar period, called 'Pride Time' in the morning following homeroom.
It's meant to be a place where students can sign up to visit teachers they'd like to see or seek help from.
Teachers said the change comes after staff saw a need to provide more teacher availability and aid to students.
"This gives us an opportunity to say these are the kids that I want for this specific assessment that didn't do well or with extra time with Pride Time, I now have the ability to say with my calculus, I now have the ability to go above and beyond to prep for my AP classes, which I didn't have before," said one teacher.
But some students said the change would only cause problems, and said it eliminates the current freedom to choose to participate in study hall or take another course.
It's a choice they wish staff had discussed with them before.
"We're not being heard especially when we speak up it feels like we're screaming at a blank wall because we can talk to whoever we want to but if they're not going to be receptive to what we're saying," said Sydney Swart, Junior, Antigo High School.
Other points contention included questions regarding teacher salary if they were to teach fewer classes, which staff said has been discussed.
The committee did choose to pass the schedule changes, which would be implemented for the 2023-2024 school year.