A resolution that would allow flat roofs on boathouses in Oneida county was postponed at Tuesday's county board meeting.
Planning and Development chair Scott Holowinski asked for the postponement after department Director Karl Jenrich heard from the DNR....
"....we submitted it to DNR to comment on the rule and Karl, this morning, got an email(from the DNR) with some changes that the committee should talk about before we debate this. So what I'd like to do is table this...."
Supporters say it gives more options to property owners. Pelican Lake resident Jean Roach, prior to the postponement, spoke in opposition to the language change, saying it would further degrade water quality from runoff...
"...the science is clear. Adding impervious surfaces within 75 feet degrades the lake. That degredation results in less fish habitat. Less habitat means fewer fish. The result isn't complicated. It fewer tourist dollars spent by fishermen coming to the area..."
The committee will talk about it first, then the matter will return to the November meeting.