No Disciplinary Action for OC Board Supervisor


No disciplinary action will result for Oneida county board supervisor Jack Sorenson, accused by two fellow supervisors of violating the code of conduct for supervisors.

Ted Cushing and Lance Krolczyk filed complaints. Two three-member committees met Thursday to decide if further action was needed.

Sorenson was upset at the May 20 meeting about some  political campaign cards that arrived in four targeted districts. Sorenson's comments questioned whether it was what he called "dirty politics" in a non-partisan election. He also made comments about ethics which Cushing and Krolczyk took as directed at them or others personally.

In the morning session, after Sorenson's comments were heard, he apologized to Cushing and Krolczyk. Cushing was satisfied with Sorenson's apologies and withdrew his complaint.

The afternoon session with Krolczyk was more confrontational. Sorenson apologized to Krolczyk...

"....again, I will flatly deny that I had any intent any way shape or form, accuse supervisor Krolczyk of violating the realtor code of ethics. He has not...."

But Krolczyk says Sorenson's  comments violated the county's rules against personal attacks...

"....and whether he was in violation of 'code 4 or 6'(county ethics) of our conduct. Please explain to me why his actions would be appropriate at an Oneida county board meeting..."

Supervisor Billy Fried grilled Sorenson about his intentions....

(Sorenson)".....what I was able to express was my feelings about negative campaigning"(Fried) "Your opinions, correct?"(Sorenson) My  opinions and my feelings about it..."

The three-member committee voted 3-0 not  pursue disciplinary action against Sorenson. A report will be sent to the county board about both hearings.

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