Learn About the OC Board, Then Attend A Meeting


The public is invited to the Oneida county courthouse next week to find out how county government works, then watch it in action.

The Oneida county board is hosting it's annual budget meeting next Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. at the courthouse in Rhinelander. This is a change from other years with a night meeting scheduled. There have been three votes to hold more county meetings at night, and this will be the first.

Oneida County UW-Extension educator Tim Brown says they're holding a public session prior to the meeting for people wanting to know more about county government..

"....'County Government and You' is a program we are designing with help from experts in Madison to help citizens understand what county government is, how it operates and what their role as a citizen is in relation to county government...."

Brown says the board spends millions of dollars every year and affects the health, safety and quality of life for Northwoods residents....

".....there's probably a lot of citizens out there who have an interest in county government but don't have very much knowledge or how county government works. What decisions they're making, how those decisions are being made. So this program is our effort to overcome that knowledge barrier...."

Brown says most people don't know who their county board representative is. Brown says the county board supervisors are elected volunteers who are trying to do good things for the community. Brown says it's a shame the supervisor's work is not better known.

The session "County Government and You" is set for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 12 in the second floor committee room 2 at the Oneida county courthouse. Brown says  if you have questions contact his UW-Extension office or go to the county website.

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