Packers Foundation Helps Fund Vilas Bike Trail Work -

The Green Bay Packers Foundation has once again helped the Great Headwaters Trails with a donation to help build a portion  of a Vilas county bike trail.

Great Headwaters Trails officers Jeff and Ann Currie went to Lambeau Field last week to secure a $3,000 competitive grant from the Packers Foundation.

Jeff Currie outlines how the money will be used...

"....the segment that the grant from the Packers Foundation will help with is the middle section of the trail, that's what we call the Songhill Lane section. This is particularly good news because of course Conover(town board) had definitively decided to go ahead with the federally-funded section...."

He says the project is coming together...

" far as the mid-part of the trail, there are a few details to take care of as far a certifying the design plans we have for construction and Phelps is going to be accepting a $79,000 DNR Stewardship grant..."

Town of Conover supervisors voted unanimously to continue with development of the fully-funded first section of the trail. That section will be bid out and built in 2015.  The Green Bay Packers Foundation also provided funding for the first portion of the trail last year.

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