Michigan Propane Gas Association is reminding Upper Peninsula residents to check a website to find out about home heating assistance money that might be available.
Association spokesperson Joe Ross says low income U.P. residents can find out more information at the website heating myhome.org....
"...if your house is cold because you can't pay your heating bill, there's heating assistance available at the federal, state as well as the local level. The new website called heatingmyhome.org will help people find heating assistance this heating season...."
The website is provided by the Michigan Propane Gas Association. The website provides contact points for dozens of agencies across the U.P. designed to help.
Ross says many low income people have trouble toward the end of the heating season because the funds they have for fuel have been exhausted.
Meanwhile, help is still available for low income Wisconsin Northwoods residents trying to heat their homes this very cold winter.
Amy Mayo from Oneida County Department of Social Services says money is available to help...
"....there's no limit for the regular funding for heating assistance. The season goes until May 15. If people apply and get their application in before May 15, they will receive the regular benefit...."
Mayo says many eligible residents are able to handle the bills initially, but as the cold of winter deepens and the bills increase, often they find themselves in a bind.
She says information is available at Oneida County Social Services or check with your local county Social Services agency to find out more.
The applications need to be in by May 15.