The city of Rhinelander has given Oneida county an alternative offer concerning the Heal Creek property that is for sale.
A decade ago the county wanted to open a new type of industrial park on 272-acres next to the Northwood Golf Course on Rhinelander's far west side. The golf course is owned by the city.
Three proposals have come in: a joint city of Rhinelander-town of Crescent proposal including a parcel of property and cash. The town of Crescent has added $10,000. Two other proposals are from an adjacent property owner, the Hodag Sports Club.
Rhinelander City Administrator Blaine Oborn says the property they would like to give to the county was part of the land acquisition when the city put in a new wastewater treatment plant in the town of Crescent. The land has some drawbacks, so the city thought about giving the county an alternative...
"...simplified the whole issue by just giving the county the option to accept $60,000 or the property down (Highway) 17. My guess is they probably will go with the cash, but that's up to them..."
The county Land Records committee will hear an update on the matter next month, with the proposals possibly being before the county board in May.