Nicolet College Board O.K.'s Promissory Notes For LRC

Nicolet Area Technical College

Updating a story we did this week: Nicolet College spokesperson Sandy Kinney says the resolution passed at Monday's Board of Trustees meeting was an initial resolution to allow for some remodeling in the Learning Resources Center. She says replacement of things like the boiler that she spoke of in an earlier story, she says, is handled under a different resolution.

The Nicolet College Board of Trustees has passed a resolution authorizing the issuance of $1.5 million in General Obligation Promissory notes and setting the sale for remodeling work at the Learning Resources building.

College  spokesperson Sandy Kinney says this resolution is part of the process to do some work on the aging LRC building. She says that building has not had recent updates..

Kinney says other resolutions will be addressed...

".....these are all steps for issuing bonds for work on the building. So the next step is for the board to take action on a final approval, called an award resolution and that will take place at the April meeting...."

In other action, the Board of Trustees approved the calling in of some other General Obligation Promissory Notes that had been issued in 2009. By paying off the notes two years early, they saved $80,000.

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