A UW-Stevens Point Political Science Professor says while the nomination of Hillary Clinton for the Presidency is considered a glass-ceiling-cracker here, having a woman at the top of the ticket is nothing new in other countries. Professor Ed Miller says the list of female heads of state is not a short one...
"....if you compare the United States to other countries, quite a number have had women leading their countries. Famously, Israel under Golda Meir from Wisconsin. Certainly, currently Germany. Women have headed up a number of countries, Argentina...."
Also, Margaret Thatcher led Great Britain and a woman is going to lead Great Britain again soon. Benizer Bhutto led Pakistan, New Zealand has had two female Prime Ministers in the modern era and dozens of others.
On another topic, Miller says in the modern era, Lyndon Johnson challenged eventual winner John Kennedy, and a decade later, more moderate Nelson Rockefeller challenged eventual winner Richard Nixon. But Miller says the challenge Republican Donald Trump is facing is not like those other two races...
"....what we have here is not, 'I support this candidate' vs. 'I support this candidate', but a very strong anti-Trump (movement) within the Republican Party..."
Miller says another change is Trump has all but turned his back on the Republican Party leaders, projecting an image that he's in total control of the strategy. Professor Miller is part of an hour-long program coming soon to WXPR discussing the upcoming primary election and political topics.