Committee Begins Input Process For Rhinelander Parks


The City of Rhinelander began the process of gathering public input on the future of Rhinelander's parks Thursday. Community members sat at tables providing input that facilitator Myles Alexander of Oneida County UW-Extension organized to help the city Parks, Buildings and Grounds committee begin the process of updating it's Master Plan...

"....four particular questions that we're going to be asking about...funding, your priorities, how you think the process should happen for deciding priorities, and what you think needs to happen...."

A recent flashpoint concerning the use of Pioneer Park is a backdrop to the current process. The School District of Rhinelander would like to build a second baseball field, that has been self-funded. Other user groups like the Oneida County Fair and the Hodag Farmers Market don't like that idea, fearing it would hurt their activities. Pioneer Park is home to the Logging and Railroad Museum Complex.

Incoming Parks Director Jeremy Biolo says in a few years the closed Slaughterhouse Creek landfill could once again become available for possible use as a recreation site...

"'s the old city landfill and that is going to be opening up somewhere between three and five years to actually be able to utilize that land. That is also a nice, flat piece of property the city will inherit...."

The city also has invested in the development of the Heal Creek property next to the Northwood Golf Course and that development process is on going. The city is also working to develop more biking and walking paths, including some recent work along Kemp Street on the city's west side.

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