An effort to have Northland Pines school district start classes prior to Sept 1 as contained in current state law is expected to be discussed by the full school board with the possibility of a petition to the Dept. of Public Instruction (DPI) requesting an earlier start.
NorthlandPines administrator Mike Richie presented two possible school calendars for the 2017-18 school year to the boards policy committee. One shows starting on Sept 5 and ending June 6 but only if school stays open during Thanksgiving week. Richie said Sept 1 falls on a Friday and they would wait to start later. The second calendar would start school August 15 and end the Friday prior to Memorial Day.
High school principal Scott Foster said fall sports has school athletes starting practice Aug 1 and that kids are ready to go back to school in late a August. Richie felt it should be local control with each district choosing their own start date. A petition will be presented for board action in December.
When asked about any penalty for starting prior to Sept 1, Richie said when he asked DPI about that they just laughed.