Northland Pines School District in Eagle River will likely welcome international students on campus beginning next fall.
The Wisconsin International Student Program (WISP) is a partnership between Northland Pines School District, Nicolet College and the University of Wisconsin System.
International students are invited to attend Northland Pines for grades 10-12, earning dual, transferable U-W credits through Nicolet College in junior and senior years. Upon high school graduation, with an American high school diploma and possibly a year year college Associate's degree, students will be guaranteed transfer to U-W facilities.
District Administrator Mike Richie...
"...this program has been in partnership with Nicolet College and a few Chinese investors who have a real interest in education. Our goal is to come up with a three year co-hort where we could accepting international students...."
Richie say initially Chinese students will be welcomed, but eventually the program will be opened to other international students. Housing is also being discussed.
Richie says the dual enrollment option will be available for all Northland Pines students..