Possible Cuts To Meals-On-Wheels Worries Vilas Director

Mount Pleasant Granary

The Older Americans Act, adopted in 1965 and reauthorized in 2016, faces rumors of having funding reduced that could impact the meals-on-wheels program serving over 500 older adult seniors in Vilas and Oneida counties.

Vilas County Commssion on Aging director Sue Richmond said there could be a 16% reduction that might impact the program.

"We're very worried," Richmond said. "We won't know until June but we have 105 seniors getting meals-on-wheels and Oneida has 424."

To be eligible for meals-on-wheels a person must be home-bound, unable to drive, and experience physical barriers that prevent them from cooking. Volunteers deliver the meals-on-wheels and are trained to notice any risk factors so appropriate referrals can be made; many retrieve mail.

"Last year we delivered 8,230 meals-on-wheels in Vilas County," Richmond said. "We rely on our volunteer drivers with a need for drivers in the Land O' Lakes and Presque Isle areas."

Infomation on the meals-on-wheels program, and other services for seniors, is available from the Vilas County Commission on Aging office, phone 715-479-3692.

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