The extended cold has led the City of Rhinelander to offer certain water utility customers the option of running their water to avoid freeze ups, but only if they make arrangements first. Not all customers will be given credit if they let their water run. The start date is January 13.
During the Polar Vortex winter of 2013-14, crews were busy every day thawing pipes. The city authorized the running of water to avoid the freeze ups. This year is not at that point yet, according to a city release. Only utility customers that have been specifically instructed and approved to let water run by the utility will be provided the cost credit. The starting list of approved customers is posted at City Hall and on the city web site.
A customer may also request this activity be allowed at their service location by contacting the Water Utility. The running water list will then be periodically amended as frost conditions dictate. The full release is below.
Start Date – January 13, 2018
City of Rhinelander Utility Customers who experienced problems in the past with water and sewer lines freezing should start running water when approval is provided in advance by the City. Please note this winter season will again start with limited customers authorized to do this activity until such time conditions would require more customers to do so. Our goal is to run water at limited rates and to control the overall expense that all utility customers ultimately share a cost in to keep our utility systems flowing properly. Interior building freeze-ups will not generally qualify for authorization of this water use.
Only the Utility Customers that have been specifically instructed and approved to let water run by the Utility will be provided the utility cost credit allowed for this activity. The starting list of approved customers is posted at City Hall (135 S Stevens St) and on the City web site. A Utility Customer may also request this activity be allowed at their service location by contacting the Water Utility (715-365-8600, Ext 1). The running water list will then be periodically amended for frost conditions the City experiences this season and the necessary additions of approved customers. When a service location is approved, running water will generally be provided 24 hours a day, in a stream the diameter of a pencil lead, flowing from one fixture per property in order to protect the utility lines from freezing. A pencil lead stream flow rate can be checked by filling a 12 ounce container volume in approximately one minute of time. Special cases of water only customers or other circumstances requiring greater flow rates can be approved and authorized the same as in the past if needed.
The City of Rhinelander will instruct further at a later date when frost subsides and the approved activity (and credit) will then end. Thank you Rhinelander Water/Wastewater Utility