VC Sheriff Joe Fath Chooses New Recreation Officer byrev

Vilas County Sheriff Joe Fath indicated many of his regular officers expressed interest in being appointed as the county recreation officer so he decided to review the position on an annual basis. Fath  announced to the Vilas County forestry committee Tuesday that deputy Jason Molle  will replace deputy Will Krueger as recreation officer for the next year.

This position, partially funded by DNR, was created specifically to patrol snowmobile and ATV/UTV trails and routes, boating enforcement, as well as county ordinances on the 40,000 acre county forest.

“Molle  is a 19 year veteran and has been doing both some boating and snowmobiling patrol every year,” chief deputy Pat Schmidt told the committee.

The position was strongly supported by committee members who indicated this was “a really, really, critical position” with law enforcement presence on the trails a strong deterent to violations. County forest administrator John Gagnon  indicated he would like more feedback to his office and the committee on the recreation officer's activities.

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