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Government Shutdown In The Northwoods? Depends On The Job

Vance Air Force Base

The federal government shutdown continues and the standoff between President Trump and Congress continues.

Many observers are reporting the most likely date when the two sides will sit down to discuss continuing funding portions of the government not operating is January 3, when the new Congress convenes.

A large portion of the federal government continues to operate, but other parts of the government do not.

If you email  the U.S. Forest Service office here in Rhinelander, an automatic response says they are shut down and will return the message when they return.

At the Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport, Director Matthew Leitner says things are operating normally, mostly.....

"...So far, so good at the airport. TSA personnel are on site. Flights are continuing to come in and go out. Howeve, TSA is not being funded as of this conversation, so they are operating as essential personnel, with the hope or assumption that the commitment that they will be funded holds true and Congress resolves this in a timely manner...."

Leitner says even within some agencies things are on and off. He says the National Weather Service, through the Department of Commerce, is one such agency. Portions have been shut down, other parts are working.. 

"The National Weather Service, who maintains our weather station out here, is continuing to function, but some of their pages are not being funded. However, Weather.gov is live and working...."

With President Trump wanting a border wall to sign the continuing appropriation and a Democratic House majority coming in next month, pundits are speculating that it could be awhile before funding is restored.

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