Voters in the Northland Pines School District gave a decisive thumbs up to a school funding referendum Tuesday.
The question before voters was to exceed state revenue limits by $4.6 million each year for three years to maintain school district programs and operations.
The unofficial vote was yes 1,230 and no 635 or just short of 2 to 1 in favor.
District Administrator Scott Foster thanked the voters for their support...
"...I really appreciate the support our voters and taxpayers have for our students, district and staff. We pride ourselves in doing a good job educating our students, both socio-emotionally and academically. This vote to me sends a message that we're doing good things and they're allowing us to take the next step and what we're doing and also get better every day."
There were clear majorities in the nine towns and the City of Eagle River with the Town of St. Germain the closest margin with 211 yes, 166 no.