There's a meeting next Wednesday in Rhinelander to alert the public how local programs and coalitions are working to address homelessness and housing in the area.
The housing director for NEWCAP, Debbie Bushman, outlines what the program will be...
"...The Wisconsin Balance of State, Continuum of Care is going to come and do a presentation that talks about the state of homelessness in four counties that the N*Wish coalition that is in Rhinelander, serves...."
The N*WISH coalition serves the housing needs Forest, Langlade, Oneida, and Vilas counties. Bushman says there is a growing need to serve homeless people in this area...
"...We have what we call a prioritization list. Anybody who is homeless or at risk of being homeless has to come through a coordinated entry system. For the northern counties that NEWCAP serves and N*WISH counties, the prioritization list continues to grow and we don't have enough funding in the area to serve all that needs assistance...."
Bushman says the presenters will talk about the big picture how the homeless coalitions work together and show the importance of homeless and housing agencies working together to meet community needs, and bring agencies and programs together to provide a more comprehensive system to serve the homeless.
The Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care (WIBOSCOC) is a non-profit organization serving all the counties in Wisconsin, except Dane, Milwaukee, and Racine. N*WISH is a local chapter. The membership is comprised of agencies who serve, support and care about those experiencing homelessness.
The public is invited to the meeting Wednesday, March 6 at 9:30 a.m. at the Rhinelander District Library meeting room on Stevens Street.