There's been some concern that rural America is slowly being lost in the modern landscape. A meeting coming up next month will give the public the latest data and efforts to help rural America.
Wisconsin Rural Partners, along with the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, USDA, UW-Extension, Wisconsin Downtown Action Council and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation are hosting Small Community Forums throughout the state.
Oneida County Community, Natural Resources and Economic Development Educator Myles Alexander says Wisconsin Rural Partners is hosting these meetings to assess the challenges and opportunities in small communities..
"..This meeting will help people from this area understand what resources are available, if they have particular project ideas they can talk with the state agency people to see what support there is. for those particular kinds of projects. How to develop their ideas. They may find people who have done something similar and learn from them..."
The half-day session includes a session on demographic trends by UW researchers...
"..It's a good reality check. What we know, up north here we know we're aging, but what is the actual picture. What are the details of it. What is the business climate? What businesses are succeeding? How are businesses overcoming challenges? What opportunities are there in the midst of all these changes?..."
The meeting is August 8 at the Crivitz Village Hall. Registration is at the the Wisconsin Rural Partners website. The cost includes lunch. Myles Alexander also has more information at the Oneida County Extension office.