Keeping COVID-19 from a jail population has resulted in procedure modifications at the Vilas County jail according to jail administrator Bill Weiss who indicated their average daily population is down about 20 persons.
“We start by initial screening persons arrested outside the jail in the sallyport by our staff that wear gloves, face shield, and take their temperature,” Weiss said. “We then quarantine them from seven to 14 days taking their temperature every day before they are released into the general jail population.”
The jail pods do have signs that describe symptoms and what to do should someone show symptoms with a plan in place if medical service is necessary. The jail does not administrator COVID-19 tests.
Weiss said they are working with state probation and parole to limit parole violations being brought back into custody. “While it's evaluated on a case-by-case basis, probation looks at non-violent cases, age, and any underlying medical conditions they may have,” Weiss said, adding initial court appearances are by video.
Visitation of jailed persons has changed considerably, according to Weiss, with video presentation only, none on site. “One major change is each inmate is allowed a free computer visit a week compliments of Secure Technology,” he said. “It's available in a Skype-like setting via a computer or cell phone.”
Jail staff are issued N95 masks along with medical gloves and face shields and inmates are issued surgical masks if they want to wear them. And while many workers are being laid off, Weiss said they need jail staff indicating “we have three openings and are still hiring.”