AARP Wisconsin is launching a comprehensive voter engagement campaign to support Wisconsinites age 50 and up as they vote in the 2020 elections.
Called "Protect Voters 50+, the campaign provides information on where candidates stand on issues for older Americans.
AARP spokesperson Jim Flaherty talks about two key points: safety and information..
"We heard a lot of comments since the April election that people are not always feeling the safest voting in person because of the pandemic and then having troubles with some of the technology involved in voting online. We want to help them with as many resources as we can...."
The campaign will focus on providing information about voting options in Wisconsin this fall at the a website, AARP Bulletin, direct mail, digital communications and paid media.
Flaherty says the specific website for the campaign will highlight certain things...
"Here's how you should upload your photo if you're going to absentee ballot how you're going to have a witness sign your ballot so it's legal if you want voting that way. It's a bunch of resources that help people navigate the technology and feel more comfortable..."
The site also provides information on webinars with tips for voting safely, polling, issue briefings and other topics. More information is at votes.