Swimmers Can Pick Up A Skin Problem In Some Waters


Visitors to Northwoods beaches are cautioned to be aware of the annual 'swimmers itch' you can get while splashing in the water.

Maria Skubal of  the Oneida County Health Department says its caused by a microscopic parasite that if it finds a human will attach to the skin. It causes an intense burning or itching sensation. She says avoid areas where geese, gulls or ducks frequent or marshy areas...

"....when you come out of the water if it's possible  to shower, always rinse off if you can. If you're in a lake it might not be the case so if you could towel-dry down it would help keep the parasites from sticking to your skin any more...."

Swimmers itch is not contagious. Skubal says if you pick it up, you can control the itching with over-the-counter antihistamines or anti-itch creams such as calamine lotion. She says rarely does swimmers itch require medical attention but if it lasts more than a week, it would be wise to see a doctor.

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