Campgrounds within Oneida county have been temporarily closed by order of the Public Health Department because of the coronavirus. The order runs until May 16.
In a press release, the Health Department said while Governor Evers "Safer-at Home' order lists campgrounds as essential businesses, the department determined additional factors needed to be considered.
They listed the large percentage of older people within the county who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. Other factors include the large number of campgrounds that draw people from elsewhere, it encourages non-essential travel, it could encourage gatherings of more than 10 people and reduces the need for social distancing, and an influx of campers could further tax limited health resources.
Seasonal campground site occupants who arrived on or before April 17th may be allowed to remain in place. Any seasonal site occupant that leaves the campground to return to their place of residence is not permitted to return to re-occupy the seasonal site. We have the full release below.
Delayed Opening/Temporary Closure of All Campgrounds Within Oneida County Oneida County, WI –
Health Order: Temporary Closure of All Campgrounds Within Oneida County. It is the duty of the local health officer to promptly take all measures necessary to prevent, suppress, and control communicable diseases as set forth in Wis. Stat. §252.03(1).
The Oneida County Health Officer has determined that immediate temporary closure of all campgrounds in Oneida County is reasonable and necessary to prevent, suppress, and control the COVID-19 virus consistent with Sec. 252.03, Wis. Stats.
Although Governor Evers’ “Safer at Home” Order (Executive Order #12) lists campgrounds as essential, there are additional factors that are unique to Oneida County.
This determination is based on the following reasons, including but not limited to:
1. Oneida County has a large percentage of aged population, and data demonstrates the aged population is particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus.
2. There are a large number of campgrounds, which draw thousands of people from inside and outside of Oneida County.
3. Camping in Oneida County encourages non-essential travel.
4. Camping allows for unmonitored congregating of groups of ten (10) or more people, which is prohibited under Governor Evers’ “Safer at Home” Order (Executive Order #12).
5. Camping and related activities reduces the ability to properly social distance, especially in communal locations in campgrounds (e.g. campsites and bathrooms).
6. The influx of campers to Oneida County will further tax already limited resources (e.g., health care system, groceries and other necessities) within Oneida County.
Seasonal campground site occupants who arrived on or before April 17, 2020 may be allowed to remain in place. Any seasonal site occupant that leaves the campground to return to his or her place of residence is not permitted to return to re-occupy the seasonal site. All seasonal site occupants that arrived on or before April 17, 2020 are encouraged to return to their residences.
This Health Order is effective April 17, 2020 and will remain in effect through May 16th.