A Northwoods domestic abuse and sexual assault agency continues to have its services running, but like most businesses, they've made adjustments because of COVID-19.
Tri-County Council on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Director Shellie Holmes says they continue to provide all of their services as before...
"Our phones are operating 24-7, our advocates are working. The only thing that is different is they aren't doing face-to-face meetings with victims..."
Holmes says with restrictions on the courts, they can't go with victims to court proceedings. They continue to help victims get restraining orders. She says their shelter is not operating and they've placed residents in other housing, but they continue to help people who need shelter. Holmes says their advocates are keeping in touch with people electronically.
Holmes says during this crisis, as has happened before at other tough times, they don't get as many calls for help...
"Most of the month of March, and I would say until late last week, our phones have been unusually quiet. We continue to work with the victims that had been here before the pandemic started..."
Holmes says they know things are happening out there, but victims are cautious about coming forward because there's so much else to deal with.
Tri-County serves Oneida, Vilas and Forest counties and they offer 24 hour help via a toll free hotline(800-236-1222), a website and Facebook page and email at tricountycouncil@hotmail.com