Drug Take Back Day planned Saturday in Wisconsin and nationwide


Saturday is another Drug Takeback Day nationwide and across Wisconsin.

Andrea Modlin with Aspirus Health says that means it's time to get rid of unused or expired prescription and over the counter drugs.

“It’s also a time to raise awareness and educate everybody about the risks of keeping their old medications”, said Modlin.

She says any drug that's sitting in your medicine cabinet can become dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands.

“Whether it be young children or other family members by accident. If you throw them into the trash it could get into the wrong hands, or it could get into our environment and potentially contaminate that.”

Modlin says medications that will be accepted include pills, creams, ointments, and inhalers. Pet prescriptions will also be accepted. There are some medical items that won't be accepted.

“Any illegal substances, anything as far as needles or sharps, or anything that has biohazardous materials such as bodily fluids, more specifically blood.”

Modlin says you especially want to get rid of prescription pain killers in a timely manner.

“People who may want to take their medications and either sell it or use it for themselves. It really mitigates any diversion.

Those who want to clean out their unused drugs can find the location of a medication drop box by visiting the DEA website.

Many police departments and pharmacies will have special drop-box hours on Saturday.

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