Just over two weeks into Wisconsin’s wolf hunting season, and more than two thirds of the wolves have been taken.
As of October 31st, 181 wolves have been killed. That leaves just 70 before wolf hunting season closes statewide.
Zones 1, 2 and 5 are closed, all in the northern part of the state. DNR Carnivore Specialist Dave MacFarland says two other zones are nearing quotas as well.
“Zones are closing faster this year than they did last year. We’ve had three zones close to date – last year the first zone closed in mid-November.”
There’s a slim chance the wolf harvest could exceed the statewide quota of 275– if members of Wisconsin’s tribes decide to harvest an unusual number of wolves. MacFarland says tribal members are technically allowed up to 115 wolves in ceded territory.
“For all species, their treaty rights give them the right to harvest up to 50 percent of the allowable take. And we’re treating wolves identical to how we treat other quota-limited species.”
But the state sets its quota for nontribal hunters based on an estimate…of what it thinks the tribes will actually do. Last year tribal members didn’t harvest any wolves. And MacFarland says no wolves have been taken under tribal authority so far this year.