Don't Tempt Hungry Bears With 'Easy Pickings'

Hibernation is ending for the Northwoods growing bear population, and conflicts with property owners can be avoided says a DNR spokesperson.

Wildlife damage specialist Brad Koele says the food you leave for birds and your pets also is tantalizing for bears...

"....garbage cans, grills, if anyone feeds pets outside coming to the pet food. Be aware, take a look around and reduce those attractants...."

Koele says bears normally avoid humans, but if food is available they aren't quite as fearful. He says be careful if a bear has cubs and don't trap a bear. He says bang pots and pans to scare the bear. He says back away slowly from the bear and find a safe spot for yourself. He says shooting a bear with bird shot is illegal and could result in the animal's death. If you are having conflicts you are unable to resolve,  contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Wildlife Services. He says the DNR website also has more information.

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