Officials are asking for public input about the proposed changes to the Department of Natural Resources Surface Water Grants Program.
The grant program provides funding to local lake associations like Clean Boats Clean Waters or chemical control programs for lake management planning, lake protection and classification, river protection and planning and aquatic invasive species control. Oneida County Conservationist Michele Sadauskas says the proposed changes will give more flexibility for those applying for the grants…
“… The one that hits home here in the Northwoods, we have a lot of different lake associations that apply for the Clean Boat Clean Waters grant, and there’s going to be a bit of a change on that; kind of where it was limited to a landing on a lake and they upped that a little bit to where many of our lake associations are working with two landings or sometimes more, so they can get funding for more than one landing at their lake.”
Sadauskas says changes have also been made to the rules and regulations and says the comment period is open until August 8…
“…pro or con on that particular change… Any type of comment would certainly help especially from those lake groups or citizens that have applied and applied in that past, so they’re familiar with them. It’s good to know or hear that this isn’t as great of help as it could be.”
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