Only a few roads in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest remain to be repaired as hunters return in mass for the Gun Deer Season.
Forest spokesperson Hilary Markin says more than 300 miles of road and trail since the July 11 storm event...
"....we've got most of our roads open, we're down to just 9 portions of roads that are closed and a couple of those are bridges that were washed out. We've worked really hard since July to restore all those services to get people back out in the forest..."
On the roads that are still closed, the Forest Service has placed berms and signage at these locations notifying visitors of the closures. Markin says the mild weather this fall has helped speed repair. She says the remaining repairs could take one to three years to fix.
The National Weather Service reported rainfall amounts in northern Wisconsin on July 11 were 4 to 10 inches in a 24 hour period, but much of it falling in an 8 hour period. It washed out roads, bridges and infrastructure.