Local Schools to Celebrate Bike and Walk to School Day


  Northwoods Linking Education, Activity and Nutrition has partnered with schools in Oneida and Vilas counties to help celebrate Bike and Walk to School day Wednesday. Community Health Specialist Kyla Waksmonski says it’s an event encouraging students to find a healthy alternative way to get to school.

 “Schools that select to participate in the 100 mile challenge, earn 1 mile for every student that bikes or walks to school; no matter how far they biked or walked. We’ve got two $500 incentives for schools that select to participate, and those schools that do earn 100 miles or more will be entered in a drawing for one of the $500 incentives.”

Waksmonski says schools can offer 20 minutes of structured physical activity such as a teacher-led classroom walk for kids who don’t live within walking or biking distance to help their school reach the 100 mile goal. 

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