Oneida County Health Department Warns Against the Hazards of Smoking

The American Cancer Association held their annual Great American Smokeout this week. The event was created in 1970 to help individuals quit smoking, and to raise awareness about tobacco’s harmful effects.  Oneida County Health Department Health Specialist Corie Zelazoski says smoking increases a person’s risk for lung, colon, bladder, liver and kidney cancer.  She says quitting smoking can be as beneficial as it is harmful.

 “…just a minute after quitting smoking, your blood pressure and heart rate start to decrease. It helps improve cardiac function, circulation begins to improve after a month of not smoking and by the time a person has been smoke free for 5 years, their risk for different types of cancers have been cut in half.”

Zelazoski says smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the U.S. She says while 1 in 5 adults smoke, nearly 50,000 people a year die because of second hand smoke.

She says the American Lung Association offers programs to help individuals reach their goal of being smoke free.

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