Nicolet College Ready to Assist Students Affected by Sudden ITT Technical Institute Closure

Northwoods students who were enrolled in classes at ITT Technical Institute are encouraged to contact Nicolet College to create a plan that will allow them to continue their education.

130 ITT campuses across the country were ordered by the U.S. Department of Education last week to stop enrolling new students who use federal financial aid. The ban was set in place after the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools questioned their compliance with criteria such as financial stability, management, record keeping and institutional integrity.

Nicolet Vice President of Student Affairs Kate Ferrel says academic advisors and career coaches are ready to work with students to make their credits work through Nicolet’s Credit through Prior Learning Program…

“…what it is, is an examination of learning and skills acquired from other areas in your life that maybe didn’t happen at Nicolet College, but were things that were learned at ITT for example. So we will grant credit for some of those activities and educational pursuits that didn’t happen at Nicolet College.”

Ferrel says students can call Nicolet College to set up an appointment with a career coach to get ready for the spring semester.

There’s an ITT Technical Institute in Wausau, and current students have the option to either continue their courses, transfer or wait to see how the matter resolves.

Contact and program information is available on Nicolet’s website.  

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