County fairs in Oneida, Vilas, Lincoln, and Iron counties have already been canceled by COVID-19 this summer.
But the Price County Fair in Phillips will go forward in August.
The fair board’s vice president, Michelle Drobnik, made the motion to go forward with the fair.
“It was getting down to the line. People started wanting answers and how to plan for things. At the current time, making the motion, I felt we were safe to proceed in modifying the fair while being able to hold some kind of event,” Drobnik said.
The fair is working out public safety measures, including offering or requiring masks. People may have to have their temperature taken when entering the fairgrounds.
The carnival might also be shortened.
Most of the public attractions will take place on Aug. 21 and 22, later than the scheduled date for many other county fairs.
“I think that having a later fair where we are, where a lot of things were pushed off to August, kind of gave us a little security blanket, so to speak,” Drobnik said.
Fair board president Peter Dahlie favored canceling this year’s fair.