Caution Urged on Roads After Snow

WAOW Television

After several inches of snow fell across central and northern Wisconsin Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, officials are reminding you to take it slow and be cautious on the roads.

Wisconsin State Patrol said one of the biggest issues seen with snow storms is that drivers don't slow down enough.

"Just not allowing enough time and then following other vehicles too closely so they can't react quick enough so they wind up going into the ditch or rear ending another vehicle or hitting another vehicle," said Srgt. Rhae Stertz with State Patrol.

Srgt. Stertz also reminded drivers to pay close attention to plows on the road. She said, "you're supposed to leave 200 feet of distance between you and the plow. You can pass them on the four lanes, but if you can't see, don't pass them. You visibility is going to be low a lot of the times because the wind will be blowing, so it's better off staying behind the plow."

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