Protesters Gather To Voice Opposition To Travel Ban, Wall

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Ken Krall WXPR

Displeasure with the Trump Administration policies became open protest in Rhinelander Saturday afternoon

About 50 members of the public gathered at the Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport to let their opinions be known that they don't think much of the ban leveled against Muslims and members of other nations and a wall proposed for the U.S. Mexico border by President Donald Trump.

Jerry Woolpy of Minocqua was one of the organizers...

"....I'm very upset about what's happening to the First Amendment. I think we're losing our rights. We have to stand up for Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, freedom to protest, and we have to end the discrimination against people around the world. This is not what the United States is about...."

Ramona Widick of Arbor Vitae.....

".....I'm here to protest the ban and the wall. So many people are against it the different groups are gathering together and I think it's going to be a real ground swell...."

Credit Ken Krall WXPR

Ray Salla says he doesn't know what to expect next after the travel ban was halted...

" it going to hold, you have to imagine it will. Enough people know what's right and wrong, but Trump is Trump, so we'll see..."

The action was organized by Northwoods Progressives. A judge late Friday halted the travel ban temporarily, but the Trump Administration sought an emergency appeal.

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