Boulder Junction Wants To Become Telecommuting Haven geralt

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin has certified the Town of Boulder Junction as a Telecommuter Forward community.

Wisconsin is the first state to encourage telecommuting in this manner. The goal is to have more people work from home, but it requires higher-speed internet access.

Boulder Junction Economic Development committee chair Dennis Aukstik says this program encourages towns to upgrade broadband so more people can work from home...

".. Employers recognize that telecommuting increases productivity, reduces turnover, establishes a better work-life balance for the employee. Takes commuting out of the situation. That has a benefit for our environment...."

The state requires the local government to support telecommuting and have one person in charge of the program. As Economic Development committee chair, Aukstik is the point of contact...

"....As the single point of contact, the chairman has the responsibility to coordinate with broadband providers, realtors, economic development professionals, employers, employees and other telecommuting stakeholders..."

The program helps promote telecommuting and with an area with bountiful beauty, also attracts people who would like to work here. He says Boulder Junction has a large number of second homes and it makes it desirable for telecommuting.

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