Family Petitions U.S. Court For Reconsideration

An Oneida county property owner has asked for a federal court reconsideration on a recent decision concerning a religious facility.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit based in Chicago determined last month lower courts were correct to affirm an Oneida county decision to deny required zoning permits to the Jaros family. The family asked Oneida county zoning and the town of Woodboro nearly a decade ago to build a facility on family owned land on Squash Lake west of Rhinelander. After denials by the town of Woodboro, Oneida county zoning and the Oneida County Board of Adjustment, the family eventually took the matter to U.S. Court in Madison. The family said the county, town and court had denied their religious rights under federal law when they wanted to build the Eagle Cove Camp and Conference Center. U.S. Judge William Conley determined the town and county had not denied the family their religious rights under that federal law.

The family appealed to  the next highest court. The U.S Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in October backed Conley's decision.

Wednesday, the Jaros Family filed a petition for rehearing before the Chicago U.S. court. The petition argues the court missed key points in making it's ruling including how the facility would impact the rural nature of the area. It is unknown when a court decision will be returned.

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