Rhinelander Schedules Downtown Improvement Update Meeting

Downtown Rhinelander, Inc.

The Rhinelander Downtown Improvement Project...commonly known as Streetscape...will begin in a few weeks and the city is hosting a public meeting next week to talk about the latest developments, including the project schedule, utility work, road closures and traffic control planned during the project.

President of the Board of Downtown Rhinelander, Incorporated, Dan Kuzlik, says the project's cost is lower than predicted and could result in more things included...

"....the bids have gone out and they've come in at very favorable rates, lower than projected. That means as they prioritize different things they can do on the Streetscape, the lower it costs, that means the more can be included in the plan. Some people who would like to see some bike lanes, or connecting bike lanes in the downtown area, different kinds of lighting options. Those are all will be discussed in terms of what's viable and what's possible ..."

The agenda includes an update on new lighting, which City Administrator Kristina Aschenbrenner said at Monday's city council meeting came in at a lower cost than projected.  Monday, the city awarded a $7.7 million dollar contract to Kruczek Construction of Green Bay. The project cost is estimated to be more than $9 million dollars. More information is at rhinelanderstreetscape.com

The meeting is Wednesday, February 17 at 7:00 p.m.at the Hext Theater in downtown Rhinelander.

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