Police provide advice after road rage incident in Rothchild

A road rage incident was caught on camera earlier this week, and area officials want to remind the community how to stay safe when on the roads.

Police opened an investigation into a potential road rage incident after a video of a truck swerving and pushing a car off the freeway went viral.

"One of the drivers could have been seriously injured or somebody not even involved that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." said Matthew Loveless, patrol officer for Rothschild police department.

He says that when caught in this type of situation, the best thing to do is ignore it.

"Try not to make eye contact with the other person, don't make any gestures back, honking the horn, anything like that, most of the time it's just best to ignore them, let them be upset." said Loveless.

Members of the community also reacted to the video.

"No matter what somebody does on the road to you it doesn't matter, it's not worth losing a life or getting in an accident where someone could be seriously injured." said Anna Riedel, "it's really about controlling your own emotions and being an adult about it."

Authorities said that no matter what the consequences may be, nothing is worth putting your life, or others, at risk.

If you ever find yourself stuck in a situation where you feel unsafe on the roads, get away from the source if you can, and call the Marathon County non-emergency number.

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