Extreme Cold Weather Is Dangerous For Humans, Animals

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There are places in the Northwoods that are open for you to warm up if you are having problems with your heater. The Oneida County Sheriff's Department, Division of Emergency Management reports the WalMart stores in Rhinelander and Minocqua are open 24 hours, along with Trig's Mall in Minocqua, and Ascension St. Mary's Hospital in Rhinelander and Howard Young Medical Center in Woodruff.

Officials say be extra vigilant to guard against frostbite and hypothermia. Frostbite can occur on exposed skin in under 10 minutes. Hypothermia can include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, slurred speech and drowsiness in adults and children. In infants, symptoms can include bright red or cold skin and very low energy.

If traveling, make sure to have emergency food, blankets and water should your vehicle stop.

Pets are also vulnerable to the cold. Make sure they have warm shelter or bring them indoors.

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