Merrill Area Public Schools studying how best to make use of its buildings

WAOW Television

The Merrill Area Public School District recently conducted a facility study to figure out how they can best use the buildings they have.

In all, 11 solutions were presented in a large file given to board members.

It comes after a consolidation of elementary schools left Jefferson Elementary empty.

"We have a lot of dated buildings and dated facilities and we wanted to make sure we were making the best use of all our facilities and see where Jefferson fit into that equation if anywhere," said Superintendent Shannon Murray.

Several solutions are being considered, many of them involve moving grades to different schools, pursuing further consolidation, or even closing or selling a building.

"In this suggestion 8th grade moves to the high school which would free some space at the current middle school, in this case we are suggesting that the district office move into the middle school," said one Myron consultant.

Under this proposal, the rest of the schools would remain as they are.

Still other plans suggest more consolidation and shifting students and administrators around to different buildings in the district.

It's left board members with many questions and concerns, one being how busing would be impacted by the changes.

"Where would our hub for our buses go then, would that be a safe area for our kids to be picked up and dropped off, you know what I mean," said Linda Yingling, Board member.

What it does meant is that board members will have plenty of homework to do in the weeks to come.

These are just a couple of the many options that were laid out, nothing is set in stone just yet, the board will discuss the matter further at their next meeting.

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