The head of an organization advocating a different way to pick voting maps will be in the Northwoods next week.
Town of Newbold residents will vote April 2 on an advisory question, 'Should the Town of Newbold request the Wisconsin legislature create a nonpartisan procedure for the preparation of legislative and congressional redistricting plans?"
Jackie Cody of Newbold organized the presentation next week..
"...The Town of Newbold is running the referendum for fair maps which is to redistrict electoral lines using a non-partisan panel. It's very similar to what they do in Iowa. So Matt is coming from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign to present about fair maps, and then answer questions..."
Matt is Matt Rothschild, the Executive Director of the government watchdog non-profit Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.
There are court challenges to Wisconsin's voting maps which were drawn by majority Republicans after the 2010 election cycle. It's mandated to be done again in 2020. The tradition has been the majority party will draw the maps for the next decade.
Iowa and other states have a non-partisan panel decide the boundaries. Democrats have contended the lines were drawn unfairly to favor Republicans, which led to the U.S. Supreme Court challenge.
The meeting is set for 6:00 p.m., March 21 at the Newbold Town Hall.