The YMCA of the Northwoods, like many organizations, has closed its doors and had to temporarily lay off staff, including its childcare offerings.
Ken Krall spoke with "Y" Chief Executive Officer Ryan Zietlow(zeet-low) about the closure of the facility due to the COVID-19 breakout. Zietlow spoke of his hopes that the public places a value on the YMCA and it's services, how it's important to continue to support non-profits during these challenging times, a free service online to keep active, and a possible future need for child care...
The YMCA of the Northwoods in Rhinelander, like many organizations, has closed its doors and had to temporarily lay off staff, including its childcare offerings.
"Y" CEO Ryan Zietlow spoke of his hopes that the public places a value on the YMCA and it's services. He says closure is a significant threat to any non-profit and how it's important to continue to support non-profits during these challenging times.... "
"As the YMCA is a non-profit organization, it's important we continue to look to our members and annual contributors to continue to support us and stay with us and "Stand With The Y" during this time frame. Really, to insure when we come out of this is as healthy and strong as well as we can in order to provide the great service we provide to our community..."
He says local non-profits help reduce the load on federal, state and local programs. Zietlow says during these challenging times, non-profits have to look at their long-term future and make tough calls. They had to lay off more than 100 employees to comply with the 'Safer At Home' order from Governor Evers. He says they've created a 'virtual 'Y' on their website so people can check out what they're doing. Zietlow says it's free to anyone in the community who wants to stay active and connected. Zietlow says they might have a need to provide more childcare...
"So right now we've paused our childcare services. We're in constant communication with our health care providers, first responders and health department. Should that need arise based on essential workers needing childcare that we could redeploy and reopen as quickly as possible..."
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