If you win a lottery sponsored by the DNR you can get free help in planning what to do with your land from a conservation standpoint.
Demand has been so strong for the program that the agency offers a drawing for 100 winners says Erin Crain, director of the DNR Natural Heritage Conservation Bureau. The lottery runs from now until March 15 and landowners who voluntarily enter their name will be randomly selected to receive the customized report, known as Landowner Conservation Reports.
Crain says 85 percent of the land in Wisconsin is privately owned, so keeping good habitat for plants and animals is the goal...
"....give them a background about what habitats they might have, how they might manage them if they are interested. Particular animals or plants we can work with them on that. We don't do the land management ourselves, but what we do is produce a report that gives the landowner tools to be able to do that work...."
While they don't do the management, the team identifies what the property owner has says Crain...
"....the landscape with which it is in, so if it's in the Central Sands, some information about the Central Sands, information about rare species that may be in the area that may be supported on their property, things they can do to help fight invasives...."
More information is on the DNR website.