They've had a cockroach, snakes and sheep and, of course, cats and dogs. Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church at Church Road in Conover is hosting the 10th annual Pet Blessing.
Event coordinator Bill Green says if you have a pet, or not, to stop by....
"...The pastor does a blessing and there's a little bit of music, some songs, the dogs howl and know it's a hoot, it's a real hoot..."
Green says the event is held under a tent, so weather isn't a factor.
He says pictures are taken of the many pets that are blessed...
"...we've had cockroaches. We've had cockroaches the size of your hand. I didn't know they get that big. We've had a python snake, a horse, people said they're bringing a couple of pigs this year, parrots, rabbits, turtles...."
A representative from the Vilas County Humane Shelter will be on hand a a free-will offering for the shelter will be taken. For safety’s sake, Green asks all pets either leashed or caged and volunteer helpers are needed.
The Pet Blessing at Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church in Conover is August 20 at 3:00 p.m. Contact the church office for more information